The Organisation

The Ijaw People Assembly or the acronym IPA or Short titled “THE ASSEMBLY” is the brain child of Mr. Dennis Banigo (The Convener). The IPA has assumed a corporate personality/registered organisation under the Laws of Nigeria with a constituted Board of Trustees (BoT) and an Executive Management Committee (EMC) which oversees the administration of the Assembly. The Assembly’s permanent address is situate at Ijaw House, Sani Abachea Road, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

The Assembly executes its Aims and Objectives and organises programmes under the name and style as Ijaw Nations Development Group or the acronym INDG. It can use both acronyms INDG/IPA or interchangeably.


The INDG/IPA is registered under the Laws of Nigeria. And has established structure for the administration and good governance of its affairs for its members. It also has a New Media virtual platform managed by a Board of Administrators.


1) The Opu Wari (The Assembly)
2) The Board of Trustees (BoT)
3) The Executive Management Committee (EMC)
4) Activity Groups (Special Purpose Vehicles)
5) Community Branch
6) The New Media (Virtual) Platforms


The Platform is for members only. Membership is as provided for in the INDG/IPA Constitution.

Admission is not automatic but shall be on the recommedation of two financial members attesting to the character and fact that the person is Ijaw and such other conditions as provided in the constitution including but not limited to ability to meet h/her financial obligation, decorum and respect for rules.

The final decision for admitting any person shall be at the discretion of the Board of Admnistrators.

Copies of the Constitution shall be made available to all financial members.

The INDG/IPA is an affiliate of the Ijaw National Congress (INC).

The registered address of IPA is at 73, Bonny Street, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

To build a Self-Reliant Ijaw Nations Economy for sustainable alternative means of livelihood that will guarantee Self Worth and dignity.

That the solutions to the mirade of problems in Ijaw Nations lie outside the political space and actors but through inward reintegration and innovative thinking, a rebirth of traditional processes mixed with science and technology to create wealth and sustainable businesses.

Have You Registered?

Ijaw Nation Needs You!

As Ijaws we have found ourselves under yoke, be it in the Federal Government or State Governments of Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Bayelsa, Edo, Delta and Ondo.

Engr. Charles Ambaowei
Engr. Charles Ambaowei
Member, INC