Alfred Diete Spiff International Airport: A Well-Deserved Tribute to an Iconic Leader – INDG

By Efetobor Utedjor

In a momentous announcement, the Ijaw Nation Development Group (INDG) proudly commends Alfred Diete Spiff on the renaming of the Warri-Osubi International Airport to the distinguished Alfred Diete Spiff International Airport, by outgoing President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (Retd) This significant change, which bears the name of a remarkable leader, has elicited widespread acclaim and appreciation.

Prof. Prosper Ayawei, President of INDG, expressed his elation and extended warm congratulations to Alfred Diete Spiff on this immortalization during a statement issued on Monday, the 29th of May, in Abuja. He stated, “I am thrilled to share the news and heartily congratulate you on the extraordinary honor bestowed upon you. The renaming of the Warri International Airport after you, sir, is a testament to your outstanding contributions, selfless dedication, and remarkable strides in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria, Africa, and the world at large.”

This well-deserved honor stands as a testament to Alfred Diete Spiff’s notable achievements and invaluable service to the development of the region. INDG joins in celebrating his numerous sacrificial contributions, which have positively impacted not only the Niger Delta but also the entirety of Nigeria and the global community. It is a recognition that resonates deeply within the hearts of the Ijaw people, as well as the broader population.

Prof. Ayawei further extended his gratitude to the former President, Muhammadu Buhari, for the decision to honor Alfred Diete Spiff. The esteemed professor hailed this action as a commendable and righteous move, highlighting the significance of acknowledging and celebrating exceptional individuals who have dedicated their lives to advancing the welfare and progress of their fellow citizens.

Undoubtedly, this renaming of the airport serves as a lasting tribute to the legacy of Alfred Diete Spiff. His name shall endure and inspire future generations, symbolizing the impact of his remarkable leadership and the indelible mark he has left on the annals of history. This recognition is a testament to his enduring influence and the enduring power of his contributions to the Ijaw Nation and the world.

As we celebrate this historic occasion, we exclaim with great reverence, “Long live the King

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