Palliative distribution
Palliatives Distribution
Palliatives for Senior Citizens of Ijawland
Palliatives Distribution
Traditional Ruler
IPA putting heads together with the king of Azumini
Traditional Ruler
Distribution to communities
Palliatives Donation to Rural Communities
Distribution to communities

Bringing smiles to faces and relief to the vulnerable in Ijawland

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Jim Jack Goes Home

The burial ceremony of the late Jim Jack Mayclayton, Pere 1 of Sugarland Houston, was held in Abonnema, Rivers State, on 20th April 2024. It was a solemn yet heartfelt event. Family, friends, and community members gathered to pay their final respects and bid farewell to a beloved member of their community. Some members of the association and executives represented the Ijaw Nation Development Group (INDG) and IPA effectively.


INDG/IPA Undergraduate and Artisanal Scholarship Awards

The Ijaw Nation Development Group and the Ijaw People Assembly have announced the award of undergraduate and artisanal Scholarships to 28 deserving students of Ijaw Nation. Also at the occasion,  12 Ijaw Nation Patroits and Leaders were honoured for their contributions to the development of Ijaw Nation in their various capacities.

Our Vision

To build a Self-Reliant Ijaw Nation Economy for sustainable alternative means of livelihood that will guarantee self-worth and dignity.

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Our Mission

That the solutions to the mirade of problems in Ijaw Nations lie outside the political space and actors but through inward reintegration and innovative

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Unique Ijaw Tradition
Our Uniqueness

To leverage Ijaw uniqueness in a purposeful manner for mutually beneficial endeavours that promote a more cohesive plan of action.

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Goals and Objectives of INDG

Research Issues of Ijaw Development

To research into and interrogate issues of infrastructural deficiencies, poverty and ignorance prevalent in Ijaw nation.

Creating Enabling Environment

Create conducive environment for the active participation of members and Ijaw people in general for policy analysis,

Evaluating Models for Urban Renewal

To develop, advise and evaluate new models for urban development and renewal, erosion control and comprehensive health care.

Promote Culture and Tradition

To provide effective advocacy on the plight and condition of Ijaw people and promote cultural and social values of Ijaw tradition.


Strengthening Ijaw Philosophical Capacity

To build and strengthen Ijaw philosophical, ideological values and legal capacity to support our national vision, mission and struggles.

Promote Benevolent Activities for Ijaws

To make periodic contributions for the advancement and promotion of charitable or benevolent activities for Ijaw people and society.

INDG in Numbers
working for the Ijaw Nation.

0 +

Ijaw Communities Supported


Ijaw Youths Empowered

N 0

Worth of Palliatives Given

0 %

Ijaw Local Content

What Ijaw Leaders Are Saying

"Our overarching objective is to do all other such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the goals of the Ijaw People Assembly"


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